Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A Random Update

Just finished Crim Law final...A sordid tale of murdered cats, manslaughtered toll booth operators, reckless drivers, cyanide dealing hardwarestoremen, malicious birdwatchers and sibling rivalry. Certainly kept me entertained for 3.5 hours. Three more to go.

Pictures from Night Cross and State Cross Champs are coming. N. was kind enough take some in the freezing cold, but alas, we still haven't joined the 21st Century and 35mm needs time to develop.

How did states go? 16th out of 46 and had fun...Not a bad day in the office. Advice for aspiring crossers? Keep track of the lap count...If you start sprinting on the NEXT to the last lap it is really hard to be fast on the last one. (BTW: Morissey, some may know his wife from triathlon, is the state champ...again...)


skoshi said...

29 people behind you--very nice!And, no new impast tattoos!!
How did Nina do?

skoshi said...

I can't count.
Nor can I spell.
When are you going to catch up with Nina?

SWTrigal said...

Did you pass (the test)?

Podium quest said...

Congrats on state! Hope the tests go well. & congrats on the Polar Bear/07 SW series